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Bloodline of The Holy Grail


Explanation for The Extermination of The Cathars

Bloodline of The Holy Grail Audio Trilogy

Crimes of The Cathar Crusades

Why would Leonardo Da Vinci wish to Portray

At Pregnant Mary Magdalene at the Cross of Christ?

Though Perhaps an Even Better Question,

Why Does The Roman Bible Only Tells Us of Three Years of Jesus’ Life.


Oh… I am Sure that It is Not Because They are Trying,

To Once AGAIN... Hide Anything from Us.

It is Most Likely a Very Reasonable Explinanation,

Such as It Just Wasn’t Important Enough.

The Wandering One Shall Admit Opening,

That The Knights of Solomon were Not Held in High Favor,

Though This New and Enlightening Information,

Has Given Them a Different Color and New Flavor.


The Wizard has Discovered So Many Lies and Deceptions,

That It is Difficult to Know Who Speaks The Truth.

The Only Thing which I am Certain These Days…

Is That NOTHING is What I was Taught in My Youth.

Bloodline of The Holy Grail

For Loved One’s Whom I Know are Unable to See Well,

The Wizard has Converted These Articles into Audio.

For I Myself was Diagnose Leally Blind Once Upon a Time,

So This Infliction… The Wandering One Does Well Know.

Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon Audio

Track name - Artist name
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The Wizard Shall Include This Next…

For This is Where The Magic Lead Me.

Discovering that The Grail Lore was Suppressed,

And The Writings of Merlin and His Wizardry.


What is Magic if Not Technology of The Day,

Which Could Be Explained No Other Way!!?

This Tale I Presents Explains The Mystic Symbol Well,

And of This Adventurous Sea Voyage I Shall Now Tell.

Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World

Historical evidence for the existence of Merlinand a Dark Age sea voyage to North America.


In Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World Graham presents compelling evidence that the legend of Merlin was based on the life of an historical figure – the last of the Romans to rule the island of Britain.


Ultimately, Graham examines the legend that Merlin sailed off to Avalon, a mystical land said to lie far across the western seas.  In an eighth-century Irish manuscript he finds evidence that this story was based on an historical sea crossing to North America a thousand years before the time of Columbus.


Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World is not only a fascinating historical investigation, it is an exciting adventure,

involving cryptic code solving, secret societies, and a breath-taking race against time.

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