~Crimes Against Our Kids~
The Wandering Wizard Can Recall The Time,
That Me and My Son Saved Christmas.
Yes… We are The Reason It is Still Celebrated,
Though There is No Need to Thank Us.
Saint Nichol Had Been Deceived,
By Greedy Trolls with No Hearts.
Thank Your Lucky Stars My Friends,
That I Find… They Rarely Have Any Smarts!
They Sneakily Vaccinated Santa’s Reindeer,
Said That They Was a Dire Need for Flu Shots.
They had Never Been Sick a Day in Their Lives,
Though After That… Look What They Got.
Half The Reindeer Soon Died Mysteriously.
That Remaining Deer Did Not Feel Well.
They Lost Their Power to Fly!!!
To Them… That was a Reindeer Hell.
We Told Santa That We Had His Back,
And That We Would Ride Shotgun.
We Purchased Swift Steel Steeds,
Good on Gas for an Around The World Run.
With Determination and Christmas Balls,
We Completed Our Challenging Task.
I Share This Tale Now So All are Aware…
Christmas Almost Became a Thing of The Past.
Moral of The Story:
Don’t Vaccinate Your Reindeer.
They May Die or Become Sterile.
Consider The Beloved Children’s Fates,
And The Hope of Future Christmas Cheer.
Even Though I Truly Receive No Thanks as Shown Here, I Remember How I Once Had a Family that Loved Me.
The Wandering One Shall Never Quit The Fight I Fear, For I Wish Them a Future Which Can Be Happy.
I Know That My Children Can Never Understand, The Poor Choices Which I Have Made.
And That How Fate Didn’t Allow My Return Home to Them, And How Every Day I Have Dearly Paid.
Even If They Have Forgotten Their Love For Me, I Shall Never Forget Mine For Them.
Any Who Wish to Do Them Harm in This World, May Soon Find Themselves With a Serious Problem.
The Wizard is Wise Enough to Understand, That Vaccines Began as a Good Thing.
I Realize that They Saved Many Lives, And When Good is Seen… I Shall Not Complain.
Though I am Not Stupid Enough Not To Note, How They Have Been Turned into an Evil Tool.
Just as EVERY Good Invitation Throughout Time, And if You Cannot See The Truth… You are a Fool.
Sick of The Suppression
God Granted Gifts
If You Skipped by The Above, If You Did Not Take The Time.
You are Not Part of The Solution… You are Enabler to The Crime!
The Rich Elite Do NOT Feed GMO’s in The Corporate Canteens.
A Wise Man or Woman would Get a Clue From That Sh*T.
You Can Bet Your A$$ They Don’t Vaccinate Their Kids,
Not Those With Which Billy’s Gates Kills India's Children With!!!
In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother.
State therapy specialists claimed Jacob Barnett would never tie his shoes, read or function normally in society. But the boy’s mother realized when Jacob was not in therapy, he was doing “spectacular things” completely on his own.
She decided to trust her instinct and disregard the advice of the professionals. Instead of following a standardized special needs educational protocol, she surrounded Jacob with all the things that inspired passion for him – and was astonished at the transformation that took place.
The FDA’s own website admits in a package insert from 2005 that TDap vaccines have not been reviewed for carcinogenic, or mutagenic results nor their ability to cause infertility. It also admits that TDap vaccinations can cause autism
We are Making a Difference,
And Must Keep Up The Fight!!!
They are Bending and Someday Shall Break.
All Begin to See What is Right.
This Was Very Informative,
If You can Find the Time to Watch.
The Wandering One Has That Luxury,
For I am On Nobody’s Clock.
Amazing: Food Giant Bows To Will Of Consumer
The death toll and injuries from chemically laden, poisonous immunizations continue to mount around the world.
(NaturalNews) When it comes to the risks associated with vaccinations, the vaccine brigade is quick to claim that injuries and deaths are extremely rare, and that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any perceived dangers. But this simply isn't the case, as reports continue to pour in showing that vaccines have a solid track record of causing serious harm and death in children all around the world, despite media lies to the contrary.
Why is It The Wizard Becomes So Damn Passionate?
The Wandering One Should Not Need to Explain This.
Not if You Yourself Have Ever Had Children of Your Own,
And at Least… Once Upon a Time… Experienced a Happy Home.
My Son Was Very Smart When I Was Still Home,
And Amazed Me at Times… Though He Was Active.
He Seriously Didn’t Need Put On Nerve Damaging Drugs,
And Turned into a F*cking Tranquilized Zombie.
The Medicines Had Him to The Point…
That He Could Not Dress Himself Either.
And My Jacob… Like Jacob Barnett.. Well,
Not Tying His Own Shoes Made Me a Believer!!!
This Boy Reminded Me So Much of Mine,
It Truly Broke My Hardened Heart Again!!!
These Pharmaceutical Profiteer Should Be Executed.
These People Who Profit From Our Suffering!
Yes… This Happens All The Time These Days.
Recently There Have Been Arrests Concerning Cancer.
Chemotherapy is a Damn Big Money Maker.
Making Healthy People Sick Was Their Freakin’ Answer!
By the Time Jacob Barnett Reached The Age of Eleven,
He had Entered College to Study Condensed Matter Physics.
An I.Q. High than Einstein is Something to Boast About,
The Transition from Learning, to Thinking to Creating... Was The Magic.
The Fact is.. that Only 2% of Our DNA are Genes.
Scientists Believed the Rest to Be Junk DNA.
I Wish to Tell Once Again of These Two New Genes,
And How They Have Created More Geniuses…Shall We Say.
The Wizard Wishes You to Note Their Names Now!!!
Microcephalin and ASPM… are The Two New Genes.
The Junk DNA, as It Was Coined, are Indeed Switches,
Turning On Our DNA and Evolving It… It Would Seem.
80 Percent of Our DNA, is Now Believed to Be Chemical Switches,
And I Believe This Allows Many Interesting Possibilities.
Could This Recently Discovered Truth Be the Very Reason,
Some are Said to Have Magic, or Possess Wizardry?
Is This The Reason They Fluoridate Our Water!!?
Do They Fear We Shall Become To Smart for Them?
If They Didn’t Calcify Our Pineal Glands,
We Might Become a Very Serious Problem!
If You Don’t Believe They Experiment on Us,
I Can See That Their Agenda has Worked Well On You.
The Wizard Has Worked at Freeing Myself.
For I No Longer Wish to Be Their Obedient Fool.
It is Very Gratifying to See…
That Others Share The Truth.
It is a Shame That It Took So Long…
Now Knowing They Destroyed Our Youth. :-(
Dr. Brian Hooker: Father of Vaccine-damaged Child and His Relentless Pursuit to Expose Fraud at the CDC
A top researcher employed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has come forward as a whistle-blower, confessing to his participation in actively covering up data that clearly links vaccines to autism. (See: CDC Whistleblower: CDC Covered Up MMR Vaccine Link to Autism in African American Boys)
Dr. Hooker is the father of a vaccine-injured child, and is a Ph.D. researcher. He has fought against the CDC for more than 12 years, using the Freedom of Information Act to try and gather as much data as he could from the studies that the CDC has published that claim there is no link between vaccines and autism. He has submitted much of the results of his own internal investigation of the CDC data on vaccines and autism to Congress. Congressman Bill Posey has assisted him in forcing the CDC to comply with many of these requests.
Article and Video Source @
Dead Doctors: Now 8 Dead And Disappeared -
Are Medicine's Finest Being Assassinated?
The Shocking Links!
The US government seems determined for autism to strike 50% of all children by 2025, as predicted by MIT senior researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff. (See: Autism To Strike Half US Children In 10 Years: MIT Sr. Researcher Sounds Monsanto, Vaccine Alarm) The American Medical Association (AMA) recently began crafting its ‘ethical guidelines for physicians in the media’ to ‘defend integrity of the profession.’
In relation to vaccines, Dr. Sircus points to mercury in the flu vaccine as one example of the cocktail’s danger: “In the flu vaccine, there is a whopping 51,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury in the multi-dose flu vaccine—the most common type of flu vaccine given. How much is 51,000 ppb? It is 25,000 times the legal maximum for mercury in drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency.
These targets had potential to sabotage important agendas not in best interest of humanity. The five American doctors who recently died untimely deaths or remain missing are among 74 prominent scientists murdered over the past ten years. Another commonality between the mystery disappearances and deaths is that families and friends are accusing officials of fraudulent reporting on the disappearances and/or deaths.
FULL Article @