~The Wisdom of Solomon~
It is told that King Solomon was given a gift of a magickal flying carpet from the Queen of Sheba. The carpet is described as being meticulously woven from beautiful green silk and adorned with gold thread.
It is said that the city of Tadmur, in the region of Ash-Sham was the headquarters for Prophet Solomon’s kingdom. It was cited that the jinn had built that city for him from great stones, with long pillars of yellow and white marble. One morning, Prophet Solomon headed out from Tadmur in the direction of Istakhr, one of the biggest cities of Persia. In Istakhr there was a mosque known as Solomon’s Mosque.
It would usually take a month to reach Istakhr from Tadmur, but Prophet Solomon reached it by noon. He rested a bit in the mosque, and then he headed towards Kabul in present-day Afghanistan, which also usually took a month to reach. Prophet Solomon reached there by nightfall, slept there, and headed back towards Tadmur the next morning, reaching it by noon.
Among the proofs for these trips is what was found in a house near the Tigris River. In that house, a board was found. On this board, one of the companions of Prophet Solomon, either from the humans or the jinn, had written, “We stayed in this house. We did not build it; rather it was already built. We reached Istakhr at noon and the next day returned to Ash-Sham.”
The beautiful queen of Sheba was a powerful queen who is remembered in history as the Sheba of the Bible, the Saba or Makeda of the Ethiopian epic Kebra Negast, and the Bilqis of Islam.
Long before the broomstick became popular with witches in medieval Europe, the flying carpet was being used by thieves and magicians and Kings in the Orient. Factual evidence for what was a long-standing myth has now been found by a French explorer, Henri Baq, in Iran.
What is understood is that a flying carpet was spun on a loom like an ordinary carpet; the difference lay in the dyeing process. Here, the artisans had discovered a certain clay, 'procured from mountain springs and untouched by human hand', which, when superheated at 'temperatures that exceeded those of the seventh ring of hell' in a cauldron of boiling Grecian oil, acquired anti-magnetic properties. Now the Earth itself is a magnet, and has trillions of magnetic lines crossing it from the North to the South Pole. The scientists prepared this clay and dyed the wool in it before weaving it on a loom. So, when the carpet was finally ready, it pulled itself away from the Earth and, depending on the concentration of clay used, hovered a few feet or several hundred feet above the ground. Propulsion went along the magnetic lines, which acted like aerial rails. Although they were known to the Druids in England and the Incas in South America, only recently are physicists beginning to rediscover the special properties of these so-called 'fey-lines'.
It is told to the Wizard that the great library of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I, kept a large stock of flying carpets for its readers. They could borrow these carpets in exchange for their slippers, to glide back and forth, up and down, among the shelves of papyrus manuscripts. The library was housed in a ziggurat that contained forty thousand scrolls of such antiquity that they had been transcribed by three hundred generations of scribes, many of whom did not understand the dead alphabet that they bore. The ceiling of this building was so high that readers often preferred to read while hovering in the air. The manuscripts were so numerous that it was said that not even a thousand men reading them day and night for fifty years could read them all. Although the library had been damaged in the civil war under the Roman emperor Aurelian, its final destruction is attributed to a Muslim general. He burnt the papyrus to heat the six hundred baths of Alexandria, and the carpets, which frightened the wits out of his Bedouin Arabs.
Special endowments that it is said God bestowed on Solomon are that he taught Solomon the speech of the birds and the beasts. The plants would speak to Prophet Solomon and tell him about their benefits. In the assembly of Prophet Solomon, there were six hundred seats. Both humans and jinn would sit there.
God made Solomon able to subjugate the devils. Although they did not become Muslim, they worked for Solomon. They greatly feared Solomon and none of them dared not to do the work that Solomon ordered them to do. The devil that did disobey Solomon would have a great torture befall him. This is why none of them dared to disobey Solomon. They built high, strong buildings for him, and large containers. They brought jewels and pearls from the sea. God made copper come out of the Earth, already melted for Prophet Solomon. From that copper, magnificent things were made.
King Solomon is credited for much. It is told that He could turn lead into gold, conjure demons and become invisible. The Wizard is told the Jamaicans even credit him with discovering marijuana.
According to the Talmud, written around 500 A.D., Solomon cut a deal with the devil to build the great temple of Jerusalem – with disastrous consequences.
"In order to build the temple, there were secrets he could only learn by capturing a demon. The demon excapes and does terrible things to Solomon," explained Stanford Jewish studies scholar Steven Weitzman, author of Solomon: The Lure of Wisdom (Yale University Press).
King Solomon was also said to have possessed much wealth. It was Solomon's supposed wealth that drove Christopher Columbus toward America. Looking for the wellspring of Solomon's golden treasure in the biblical Tarshish and Ophir, Columbus decided to take a shortcut to the East, circumventing all the intractable political problems in the Middle East.
What few many know is that Solomon died in divine disfavor – and that comes straight from the Book of Kings. Talmudic legend has him ending as a beggar.
“Humans need limits. "If no secret or power is beyond their reach, they go too far."
"Knowing everything takes Solomon nowhere in the end, and if he reaches any kind of ultimate conclusion, it is only that his quest for wisdom and understanding was all a kind of delusion; he really understood nothing of value, life remained an impenetrable mystery, and even his desire for understanding was itself rooted in misunderstanding," Weitzman writes.
As Solomon himself put it, "a chasing after the wind."
This information has been acquired in the Wizards wanderings, and the Wizard forgets now where, though all things come from somewhere, for as King Solomon once wisely said: “There is nothing new under the Sun”.
The Wandering Wizard is always Seeking Knowledge,
Though I Must Admit, This Does Not Make Any a Wise Man.
All Can Heard Clearly These Words I Speak,
Though I Reason… Not All Shall Understand.
Long Ago Legend Tells Us of a Wise King,
And Some Claim that He Was the Wisest Man of All Time.
I Wish to Present Bits and Pieces I Wandered Upon,
As I Began on a Quest to Expand My Mind.
I Pray Now that You Learn Something from This,
Though I Warn Not to Believe You Too Smart.
Solomon was Favored Greatly by God,
At Least He was at The Start. ;-)
It was also told King Solomon's Court Filled with Gold.
He was known for his wisdom and was an epic lover having 700 wives and 300 concubines. But he is most known for his fabled treasures. The Bible states that he sat on a golden throne, had effigies of animal made of gold, five hundred shields of gold. He is said to even dine in golden plates and drink from golden goblets. He built many temples that were laden with gold, bronze and other precious gems. But what was the source of his wealth? The Bible explains that King Solomon received shipments of precious metals and gold from mines situated in a far off land. This land has been mentioned as Ophir. No further description of the land is provided, except that it was situated by the river.
Another tale the Wizard wandered upon that I truly enjoyed was one were the deserving were rewarded.
On a bright Friday afternoon in Baghdad, when the white disc of the sun blazed in the third quarter of middle heaven, and the bazaar bustled with people buying fruits and cloth and watching an auction of fair-skinned slaves, there appeared across the sun the shimmering wraith of a turbaned man gliding towards the highest minaret of the Royal Palace.
The devil was no other than a poor soldier who had once served in the palace. He had been caught holding the youngest princess's hand, and was thrown out by the eunuchs, disgraced and defeated. When news about this affair reached the caliph, he was furious. He had the princess locked up in a tower, and to humiliate her, decided to marry her off to his royal executioner, a towering black slave from Zanzibar. The soldier, a Kurdish youth by the name of Mustafa, now returned. He glided up to the minaret and helped a girl climb out of the window. Then in full view of the public below, he glided away. The bazaaris cheered. As the young lovers eloped on their carpet, a battery of the elite guard, mounted on black Arabian stallions, charged out of the palace and gave chase. But the flying carpet disappeared in the clouds above.
The Wizard Knows Many Other Tales,
Of Fanciful and Fleet Flying Machines.
Or Perhaps that is But What They Wish You to Believe,
And the Truth is… They were Very Real Things!
The Wizards Realm is Large Indeed,
And You May Wander Freely if Up to It.
This Unique Information Should Go Nowhere,
And You May also Return to Browse in a Bit.
You May Save These Tales for Another Day,
For It is Said Not to Use All Your Magic at One Time.
You May No Longer Appear Like Wise Solomon,
If You Begin Note a Tired and Weary Mind. ;-)
The Wizard Shall Now Provide,
Other Sources Concerning Solomon.
Below is a Three Part Video Series,
Found Enjoyable by The Wandering One.
The Wizard Shall Point You to a Very Good Book,
Which You May Wish to Obtain.
I Chose a Sample on the Right for You to View,
For The Wizard Could Not Refrain.
The Queen of Sheba:
Legend, Literature and Lore
By Deborah M. Coulter-Harris
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (Three Part)
Since This Concerns The Knights of Solomon’s Temple,
The Wandering One Thought that I Might Include this Here.
It Would Seem that They Witnessed the Same Fate as Solomon.
They are Better Known to Most as The Knights Templar.
They Perhaps Began with the Blessings of The Almighty,
Though Along the Journey May Have Lost Their Way.
They are Believed to Be the Well Known Free Masons,
Though Few Know Their History in Our Modern Day.
Published on Jun 15, 2013
On October 13, 1307 (Friday the 13th) the leadership of the Knights Templar were arrested in France for allegedly practicing strange and satanic rituals, a charge most prominent occultists admit was true. Surviving Knights Templar went underground and are believed to have started Freemasonry which they used as a cover for their occult beliefs and practices. Freemasons then continued to operate (and still continue) as a Mystery School which the Illuminati was able to graft onto. Besides functioning as a place to learn occult theology and mysticism, other areas of life are also taught and nurtured in these Mystery Schools such as science, business, and banking.
Oh No! Tell Me It Not So… How Could This Possibly Be!!?
These People Who Question Things Must All Be Crazy!
The Wizard is No Fool, Both These Numbers 13 and 11,
Have Very Special and Significant Meaning to Me.
The Knights Templar were Disbanded in the Year 1311.
And The Date of Friday the Thirteenth Comes into Play!
You May Choose to Ignore Obvious the Numbers,
Though that is Not The Wandering One’s Way.
Satanism, Knights Templar & Freemasonry
I Knew of This Long Ago for The Illuninati was Founded in 1776,
And Attempted to Expose Long Ago These Lies and Deceptions.
Let Us Look Deeper into Our Founding Fathers,
So We May Gain a Much More Accurate Perception.
The Knights Templar Changed Their Name Long Ago,
To Avoid the Repetition of History and Further Persecution.
Unknown to Most… Who Seen to Care Less Anyway,
They Took The Name of The Well Known Free Masons.
Presidential Bloodlines & the Bohemian Grove
As The Wizard has Stated in The Past,
We were NOT Founded a Christian Nation…
America Became a Christian Nation Amazingly.
It is Truly a Wonder with So Much Riding Ageist Us,
And This Knowledge is Needed More Than Ever Before,
So I Pray that All Have The Eyes to See!!!
The Secret Which They Seek
The Skull and Bones - Yale University
Conquest of the Warrior Monks
The Salem Cross
A Masonic symbol seen less frequently is the 33° cross because it appertains only to the highest degrees. It is more commonly called the Crusaders Cross or the Jerusalem Cross. It was supposedly worn by the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Godfrey de Bouillon, after he liberated Jerusalem from the Muslims.
This symbol is on the hat of the Sovereign Grand Commander of all 33° Masons in a very slightly modified form. It is part of the magical signature of Aleister Crowley, the supreme Satanist of this century!9 It is also found as the logo of the new Catholic Bible, the Jerusalem Bible!
Read More at the Link Provided
The Knights Templar
As Above, So Below.
700 years ago, Knights Templar leader Jacques DeMolay was presented to the public near the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Held in chains by the French king for seven years, DeMolay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, known then as the Holy Church's own warrior-monks. At that time, DeMolay, who was by then quite elderly, was expected to publicly confess the many alleged and supposedly sordid "crimes" of the Templars, many of which had been supposedly admitted to under torture by the imprisoned knights.
Read the Entire Tale with The Link The Wizard has Provided.
The Knights in The New Land
The Knights Templar is an international philanthropic chivalric order affiliated with Freemasonry. Unlike the initial degrees conferred in a Masonic Lodge, which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religious affiliation, the Knights Templar is one of several additional Masonic Orders in which membership is open only to Freemasons who profess a belief in the Christian religion. The full title of this Order is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta. The word “United” in this title indicates that more than one historical tradition and more than one actual Order are jointly controlled within this system. The individual Orders ‘united’ within this system are principally the Knights of the Temple (Knights Templar), the Knights of Malta, the Knights of St Paul, and only within the York Rite, the Knights of the Red Cross. The Order derives its name from the historical Knights Templar, but does not claim any direct lineal descent from the original Templar order.
Friday the Thirteenth and the Curse of the Templars
The Unholy Grail of the Knights Templars
Secrets of the Grove
If we take into account the fact that the Templars
Had the world’s biggest fleet in the 13th century.
The Skull and Bones Pirate Flag,
Truly Does Not Shock Me.
The latter Knights of Malta were also well known for piracy
And we find that these Maltese Knights were in fact the very same as the Templars - having been formed or joined by the remnant of the dissolved Templars.
These new Templars or Knights of Malta were accused on several occasions of piracy and henceforth we have tales of piracy on the high seas. There is a direct link therefore between the creation or use of the skull and crossbones by the Knights Templar and our modern day idea of it being a symbol of piracy.
America Became a Christian Nation
Something To Ponder Which The Wizard Noted,
Read for You by My Pretty Assistant.
We Need to Look Much Closer,
Than a Mere Fleeting Glance.
Those Who Do Not Pay Attention,
Shall Pay The Devil in The End.
Those Who Do Not Learn Repeat History,
Again… and Again… and Again!!!
Knowing Well as The Wandering One Does that Leif Ericson,
Discover This Land Almost 500 Years Before,
The Wizard Reasons The Knights Temple,
Sent Christopher Columbus Purposely to These Shores!
If You Research The Facts and Examine This,
You Should also Come to See The Truth.
They are Devious and Obsessed with Their Goal,
And The Truth was Hidden from Us in Our Youth.
As Reasoning Thinking and Grown Men and Women,
We Must Question and Use Our Minds.
This is The Only Thing that Shall Save Us,
From Our Present Day Dark Times.
Christopher Columbus Explained
All That The Wandering Wizard has Presented Here,
Is Just Coincidence and Not to Be Taken Seriously.
Does This Sound Familiar to You?
That is What They Always Tell Me.
They Say Not to Think About It,
Because It is All Pure Fantasy.
Paid No Attention to What It Appears.
You Can’t Trust What Your Eyes See.
Listen to Us for We Know Best,
And We Have Your Interests at Heart.
Yes… They Love People Who Don’t Question,
And Especial Those Who are Too Smart. ;-)
From Pentagram to Pyramids:
The Wizard has Seen Different Presentations,
From This Man Know as Freeman.
Though I Never Truly Cared for Him,
For Some Strange and Unknown Reason.
Like Walking into a Middle of a Performance,
I May Have Missed Very Important Parts.
We Do Not Know What a Man has Experience,
Until We Know a Bit About Their Heart.
Is This Topic a Bit Far Out There???
Perhaps You Need to Watch These?
The Masses May Possess No Imagination,
But Those Who are Practicing It Believe!!!
It is Said Technology Far Ahead of What We are Told.
Have They Already Done the Unspeakable???
If They Spent That Much Money on Barry Soetoro,
It May Explain Why He Seems Unimpeachable!!! ;-)
Unfortunately… I Believe Freeman’s LONG One,
Is Truly a MUST… MUST… Must SEE!!!
It Touches on So Many Interesting Bits of Information,
That It has Certainly Made a Believer Out of Me.
Human Cloning - Edge Media FreemanTV
We Cloned A Human 16 Years Ago
Published on Apr 22, 2014
In 1998 scientists successfully cloned a human embryo using a cow egg. Udderly amazing. Get it? Udderly? Anyhoo, beware of future clone armies. Maybe we should stick together.
Ancestry.com and GenealogyBank.com have no records of Malia or Sasha being born, which is too unlikely to be a mere coincidence if they are in the fact the biological children of Barack and Michelle, considering the fact that they are widely-known public figures.
It Would Seem to This Wizard that Barry Soetoro,
Is NOT the Only Obama with a Mysterious Past.
People are Waking Up and Questioning Things,
Though They are Damn Slow… It Has Happen at Last.
Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Presentation - 5/31/2013
Where are Obama’s daughters baby pics and birth records?
Posted on November 30, 2013 by Dr. Eowyn
Evidence Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia & Sasha
Barack Obama and the First Lady have kept a tight lid on photos of their precious daughters being released by the press. Still, we have seen a startling lack of pictures from the early years of Malia and Sasha. Now we have evidence that this may not be due to the fact that Michelle has ordered the press not to release them, but that they do not exist.
The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to sources on June 25, 2011 by a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff. He shall remain anonymous for the time being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family.